Wednesday 21 July 2010

Splice (2009)

I've always been a big fan of Sarah Polley, so even though I wouldn't have normally took it upon myself to see this film, I watched it because of her.

The story begins with a romantically involved bio-chemist team, Elsa and Clive, (it doesn't specify whether or not they are married or are just seeing each other) who are working on a genetic mutation project wherein they combine the dna of several species. The project so far is a success and they want to push it a little bit further and incorporate human dna into their experiment, which would potentially help find cures from many diseases , but the board denies them because they feel it would be too risky. This does not stop them and they go ahead with it. The result is this oddly alien looking being that grows very quickly. Elsa becomes instantly attached to their creation and treats it more like a child than a science project and ends up calling it Dren. Clive is skeptical about the whole thing and at one point tries to drown it, but even though he's so opposed he takes a back seat to Elsa's desires. As Dren grows she gets harder to conceal and eventually they move her to Elsa's childhood home, which happens to be a farm. Things spiral more and more out of control as Dren grows more and as the tension between Elsa and Clive heightens. There's actually a point in the movie where Clive starts to lust after Dren, maybe because of the stress, maybe because it has some of Elsa's DNA, but in either case it's a bit weird. I won't spoil the ending by going further.

Overall I'd say it wasn't a bad movie, but is quite possibly b film material. It's still worth watching though, especially if you're into the whole alien/ sci-fi genre to begin with.

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