Sunday 26 August 2012

The Town (2010)

This is the story of a robber who falls in love with a girl who witnessed one of his jobs. The guy is a part of this group who have been on the wrong side of the law for almost their entire lives, just like their parents. They're also professionals in the field and leave no traces for the cops to find. Well, on one job they rob a bank, and they end up taking the bank manager with them for security, an attractive, young, female bank manager. Well our guy follows her one day, is kind of captivated by her, and begins seeing her on the sly. Eventually his 'work associates' finds out he's dating her, and use her safety as blackmail when he tells them he doesn't want to steal anymore. The FBI is also getting closer and closer to catching them, making each job they do more risky than the last. Will they be able to pull off this last big job? And will the guy ever get to be with the girl?!

This movie was actually better than I initially thought it would be. There was a lot of action and suspense, but it wasn't cheesy or overplayed. Overall, I'd probably watch it again.

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