Friday 17 July 2009

All My Friends Are Superheroes by Andrew Kaufman

This was a good story. The protagonist, who is just a normal guy, know all of these people with 'super powers', but they're odd super powers, like he's dating The Perfectionist, who makes everything perfect. There was a guy who's super power was to take tension away from people, so he was always invited to parties, and my personal favourite, The Spooner, who would sneak into the houses of lonely women to spoon with them. These kinds of things. So it was more of an an everyday interpretation of a super hero, making specific human characteristics super. Because the super powers were so 'common' each interaction the protagonist had with a super hero seemed like a journey within the self because we, of course, all have at least a little of every 'power' within ourselves. So in that respect its an interesting read. But the ending is cute, even if you don't get over analytical like some (>.>).

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