Thursday 16 July 2009

Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

I'm beginning to get really annoyed with the heroine. 

I liked Twlight, it got me into reading after going through something of a slump in that department. The characters were all interesting and the story was one we all know (if you're into the vampire romance scene) but given a fresh spin so that your interested. The second book was not as good as the first, but still had a good story and though Bella was beginning to get on my nerves a bit, I could deal with it, though a lot of her flaws were illustrated and brought to light in that one. don't get me wrong, I love flawed characters, I just recently finished breakfast of champions by vonnegut, is there one character in that book that isn't flawed? But that doesn't matter because their flaws are made known to the reader... and I guess celebrated for what they are in a way. In this instance, it seems like no one in the book can see Bella's flaws, she is the 'ultimate possesion' everyone either wants her or hates her because others want her, because she is of course the ultimate, and therefore has no flaws (by the by, I'm being sarcastic, but in the best way possible), and because her flaws were not recognized, they were glaringly apparent, and extreemly annoying. But still the story kept my interest and was in no way a disapointment as a whole.

Now in the third book, she's getting on my nerves. Firstly, right off the bat, one of the main parts in this installment of the series is Bella's relationship with Jacob black. Now, if I were to start reading the series now, I would be able to accept their relationship as it is, but having read a supposed 'history', where did this relationship come from? In the last book Bella spent a week or two with Jacob and only searched him out ever so that she could escape her problems and maybe get closer to what she percieved as 'Edward', and then all of a sudden no one knows Jacob like her? Give me a break! That would make more sense if they had some sort of history before Twilight, which they do, but she said that she barely remembered him the first time they met in book 1, and even then she used him to her own ends. So in my opinion, that relationship, at least on her side, doesn't make sense or doesn't really resonate with me as a deep and meaningful relationship that would inerfere with her relationship with edward, but she somehow makes it, which makes you wonder the level of her commitment to him. Speaking of that, sometimes in this book I didn't really feel Bella's connection with Edward was something 'real'. It's ok that Bella's relationships with other people are weak in a romance, so long as she has a strong relationship with her lover. and she doesn't have a strong connection with anybody, except Edward, and thats fine, its a romance, no one else is supposed to be connected. but somewhere in the third book we have Bella pushing Edward away? I mean she isn't supposed to cling to him (never that), but she starts resenting his feelings. She gets her back up that one time, in the entire series, that he makes a request of her, that is for her own benefit. But she whines to him every night to stay with her while she's sleeping. 

I guess my problem is that it seems Bella is extremely selfish and expects people to what she says without really reciprocating. In fact shes quite passive throughout the entire series, surprisingly. There is alot of things happening, so you almost miss it with all of the action, but the action is happening around her or because of her, but she never takes an active role, and yet she's so selfish and demanding. thats what bugs me. (and it took a whole three books to figure it out).

Alright, my big schpeal out of the way, Bella and her interactions with the other characters was the only thing I didn't like about this series. If she had been removed from it I think I would have loved this series and would have been demanding more. I have been reading that there will be another book with Edward narrating this time, maybe that will be better, but then again... am I willing to risk the time and possibly money?

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