Thursday 16 July 2009

Kiki’s Delivery Service

This movie is in my list of most watched movies. It's about a witch who (after going to live on her own for a year) loses her ability to fly and has to struggle with herself to find who she is to be able to fly again. Every witch has a special power that she does best, like her own personality manifested. When Kiki loses her power, its like the struggle a lot of young girls (and boys) go through to find out why they're here and who they are.

I first saw this movie when I was in grade 7, and her not knowing what her power was at first, finding it, loosing it and then how she gained it back by realizing what was truly important really touched a chord in me. I thought to myself 'hey! I go through that all the time!' and watching her rise out of her inability always made me feel better about myself when I was feeling a bit sad. Showing a light at the end of the tunnel if you will.

I recommend this movie to all young girls as its a truly touching movie of finding your own way in the world, your purpose, which is to be the best you you can be.

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